Orlygg’s Top Ten Miniatures of all Time!

Orlygg’s Top Ten Miniatures of all Time!

Now axiom has posted up a fantastic post on his blog, Magpie and Old lead, that goes into detail about his favourite top ten miniatures of all time. No aggressive 'I'm right you're wrong' list this, oh no, just an honest, personal journey through the models...
‘Eavy Metal Special: White Dwarf 120

‘Eavy Metal Special: White Dwarf 120

Analysis of painted figures is always rewarding. Tricks, tips and inspiration are very easy to come by if you take the time to observe what other painters have done before. I am always doing it, and really enjoy cruising through the copious Oldhammer blogs, forums and...
Chaos Thug Re-enforcements for the Oldhammer Weekend

Chaos Thug Re-enforcements for the Oldhammer Weekend

Like many Oldhammerers, I am in the teaching profession. Subsequently, I have just started the long six week holiday that is our reward for putting up with 'experts' in our field like Michael Gove telling us how we should be doing our job. With just under three weeks...
Inspirational Chaos Army by Edward George Gladdis Part 3

Inspirational Chaos Army by Edward George Gladdis Part 3

Good morning, well its morning here, and welcome to a final stroll through the Chaos army of Edward George Gladdis. As we have seen previously, he has quite a large force made up from models take from the Citadel ranges from the early to mid '80s, with a few later...
Oldhammer Weekend (BOYL) 2014’s Goblin Green by Kev Adams!

Oldhammer Weekend (BOYL) 2014’s Goblin Green by Kev Adams!

Here is a super snap brought to you via the Oldhammer Facebook Group and the Mighty Avenging Bryan Ansell himself. It the goblin we mentioned earlier in the week and available for FREE to all attendees of this year's Oldhammer Weekend at the Wargames Foundry. As...