Inspirational Painted Chaos Army by Edward George Gladdis Part 2

Inspirational Painted Chaos Army by Edward George Gladdis Part 2

No sooner do I publish a little article about the work of Edward George Gladdis than he posts more lovely models on the Facebook group. So I am going to have to do a second post to have a closer look at his chaos cavalry. As you will have noted in the picture above,...
Inspirational Painted Chaos Army by Edward George Gladdis

Inspirational Painted Chaos Army by Edward George Gladdis

Its been quite a while since I posted up some models I found online here. Today, I found a collection of models that are well worth a wider share. Some of you who frequent the Oldhammer Facebook group may well recall seeing these miniatures before as they were posted...
Oldhammer Weekend 2014 Kev Adams Special Miniature News!

Oldhammer Weekend 2014 Kev Adams Special Miniature News!

I finished school today after a very long but satisfying year. A year made even more satisfying considering that it was heralded with the news that Michael Gove was removed as the Education Secretary, much to the delight of many a teacher here in the United...
Oldhammer on Google + (JOIN JOIN JOIN!)

Oldhammer on Google + (JOIN JOIN JOIN!)

Just a quick note to say that Warlord Paul has set up a new Google + Oldhammer Community and its really rather intriguing. I have had a go and find it very easy to use. Its fairly embryonic, but seems a bit more modern than the Oldhammer Forum. I know a lot of people...
A Gathering of Eagles: Warhammer Third Edition Battle Report

A Gathering of Eagles: Warhammer Third Edition Battle Report

I have spoken about the old White Dwarf battle reports before and have even published my own scenarios. Now, I missed this one from my overview published in March and have finally got around to address the balance.Peter Morrison is again at the helm of the article and...