Forge World Gives Personality to their Greater Daemons

I had the opportunity to play in a relatively small apocalypse game with Chaos Daemons this past weekend and it was really enjoyable. Part of that is because Forge World wrote really fun rules for the Greater Daemons in their Imperial Armor Apocalypse Second Edition...

ChapStick with Green Stuff

Hello there, I’ve got a quick tip for you. I had to use some Green Stuff to fill a gap between two removable pieces. I applied Chap Stick to the wings and then attached the wings to the torso. I Green Stuffed the gapĀ and pulled the wings away and – voila...

Zombies in Space

To celebrate Halloween my friendly local game store ran a special zombie game for 40k. The store set out 3 Space Hulk sets and built a massive space hulk board. I wrote down a little bit about each scenario but you can just scroll through the gallery it will be pretty...

Draigowing Test Game

Hello there, Now that my team has decided on which army we are playing with at Adepticon it is time to start thinking about lists. The first list I came up with is a Draigowing list. The whole idea behind the list is to have a super tough core unit of Paladins that...

Fallen Grey Knights

Hello there, My gaming group has been brainstorming some ideas for Adepticon and we finally settled on an idea! We are totally digging the idea of fallen Grey Knights. The idea being that Chaos wants to mock the ultimate defenders of the human race so they corrupt...