Betrayal at Calth – more progress

Here's some more progress pictures of my Calth marines. The Ultramarine tactical squad is ready for a matte seal coat now that the decals have set nicely.  They received a few coats of micro sol and that helped them conform nicely to the shoulder pads.  The...

Betrayal at Calth Progress

Here's some more progress pictures of my ultramarines as well as the base coat (airbrush) for the word bearers.  The ultramarine tacticals got a coat of future floor polish to prepare for decals, and the terminators got their coat to prepare for the oil wash....

Betrayl at Calth progress – Terminator Captain

Here's some progress pictures of the Terminator Captain, who is getting the Ultramarine treatment.  I gave him the same airbrush base coat, but will be painting him using normal layering instead of the oil wash.  This will help him stand out and is more...

Calth Ultramarines – Oil Wash results

Here's the results after using a Q-tip to wipe off the excess oil wash.  I waited about 6 hours after applying it and took a q-tip to each model (both ends, one per model) and wiped away as much of the wash as I could.  I had to be a bit careful on any sharp...

Calth Ultramarine Tactical progress – Oil wash

I managed to get through the oil wash stages on my tactical troops from the Calth box.  This was a bit of a test, and I'm pretty happy with the results.  To review, first was laying down some basic highlights with the airbrush (blues), adding silver, gold...