3D printer project

Here’s a little project my brother and I have been working on. It’s a chubi X-men vs Sentinel set from  Dennis over at https://www.facebook.com/groups/3dfigureprints/?ref=shareMore to come...

Astra Militarium Cadian with Contrast

Another quick contrast tutorial, but this one showing how to paint up a Cadian trooper for Astra Militarium.  If you're collecting an army of these guys this will help get them looking good quickly and on the table top.Read more »

Farstriders with contrast paints

Here's a quick tutorial on how to paint Stormcast guys quickly using Contrast paints for a non-metallic gold look.  Its not the best paint job, but its quick and easy and I think it looks decent on the table top.  Check after the jump for more pictures and a...

Underworlds Eyes of the Nine

Another warband painted up for Warhammer Underworlds.  These guys were a combination of contrast paints and standard methods to get a decent outcome in a reasonable amount of time.  One of the challenges with this warband is that there's such a diversity in...

Ork Boyz with Contrast

Here's a quick tutorial for painting Ork boyz using contrast paints.  Since most ork armies need lots of boyz it's handy to have a method to get the masses painted quickly.  The nice thing with contrast paints is that you can always go back and add...