X-Men diorama – Colossus WIP

Making some progress on the guys on my work bench.  Here's Colossus.  I airbrushed the silver (Vallejo Gunmetal + Vallejo Aluminum highlight) and brushed on the red and yellow.  I'll do some highlighting of the colors and add a GW gloss wash to the...

X-Men Diorama progress – Beast

Here's some progress on my X-men v Sentinel diorama.  I got my airbrush out last night and got the beast painted up.  I did some brush work on his fur to bring out the highlights, and I may go back and do another round, but overall I'm pretty happy with how...

X men vs Sentinel

This thing is turning out tube huge.  I've got almost everything printed, but I had a jam last night, so the Cyclops beam is delayed... I was printing it in clear filament so it could be lighted later.If anybody's interested, there are still spots left to support...