Khorne Blood Secrator with Contrast paints

I picked this guy out of my old Age of Sigmar starter kit because there are rules for him in Silver tower.  I've been painting up all the figures and expansions for that, but haven't had a chance to play it yet.  Anyway, gave this guy a go with contrast...

Skaven Warlord with Contrast paints

Here's a Skaven clawlord/warlord painted up with contrast paints.  As expected he painted up pretty quickly.  I used contrast paints for a non-metallic metal look on the silver and bronze areas.  This is passable, but a little more effort with some highlights...

How to paint Magore’s Fiends

Here's a tutorial for Magore's fiends.  I painted them up in a pretty standard colour scheme.  I laid down the red first with my airbrush then painted everything overtop of that.I've pick up some contrast paints, so my next tutorials will probably be...

Sepulchral Guard Tutorial and pics

Here's a tutorial and some pics of the Sepulchral Guard from Warhammer Underworlds.  I experimented with some inks to see if I could come up with a homebrew contrast (didn't work), and I talk about that in the video.  I may have used the wrong paints, mixes...