Wargames in Congleton

Would anyone in this vicinity like to have a wargame? I have a plethora of faults, as you can tell by reading this blog, but I urge you to set against them the potential 12' by 6' playing area available in the attic, and the abundance of terrain available here....

Watership Down

There was a very odd story the other day. Channel Five had decided to take a break from showing softcore porn and CSI spin-offs, and one afternoon had broadcast the film Watership Down. A great many parents were very upset about this as it contains upsetting scenes....

Wherever have I been?

It was the beginning of this month when last I blogged, and that wasn't about my endeavours in the hobby, but about a poor lady attacked and disbelieved. I haven't really had the opportunitysince then. One weekend I drove up to visit a friend I haven't seen for some...

Sexism and terrorism

Via friend, I just read this lady's account of her dreadful experiences in the gaming community. It's impossible to think that this is an isolated case if you read it. It is a horrible thing to read, and I can't begin to imagine how much worse it is to have lived it....

Timber-framed village WIP

The "Mosque" still needs its minaret and a few other details, but the adobe village is pretty much finished. Needless to say, since I have not quite finished it, my mind has moved on to another project. I am half a dozen houses into a timber-framed village project. At...