fantasy sale still going on…

so while attempting to set up the ebay link, i kinda buggered the picture links on picasa... oh wellanyway, there will be more updates soon, and i hope to have everything up an ready to sell by sundayciao

Stuff done! picturez!

So to kick things off, ive been assembling some necron goodies, the barge and the Ark (magnetized!)and this fella is my version of Obyrontake one part pariah, take the cloak from the barge, and squish together with greenstuffquite a nice basic model...

doing anything but world eaters atm…

so i got some lovely immortals and an Ark for xmas.... and then i got sammael on his jetbike, then i went and bought a barge and destroyer (to make into a destroyer lord) and now ive just ordered some parts to let me assemble my deathwing (forgeworld shoulder pads and...

finecast aint so bad…..

hello again, long time no post, long time no hobbying really,though i am starting to find time to get back into the beserkers,anyway i found my pocket bulging with an extra 30 quid, and i thought to myself.... i want one of thoseby those, i mean a sammael on jetbike,...

army lists, army lists, army lists.

So i have nearly every codex and wfb armies books.(just missing tau, as i accidently sold it, but rumours say new book soon, so ima savin my penny's)and i find each and every one of them, a pain in the arse.sure theyre great, i can read them and then re-read them...