badass psyker disapproves of head littering

haha yes, not khornite in any way *sad panda*  but its what ive been tinkering with recently, for my DA ravenwing army, i bring you!  badass librarian biker stabbing some dirty plaguebearer head with his sword, pew pew,    thanks very much...

eep its been 2 weeks!

and i havent posted anything!  soz bout that, but i am workin hard again, and im waiting on a few crucial things before assembly goodness"why havent you finished painting those squads"  i hear you cry!... well i dont, but i imagine you did shout it.well........

Skulls for the skull throne! kharn has arrived :D

Good news everybody!O'rly Doctor nick?yes.... and my names not nick!anyway, Kharn has arrived! mr tim over at vanus temple finally finished the bugger off yesterday... and then i brought it home and fixed it a bit more.. (shh dont tell him!)  anyway here he is...

eeep work ahead !

so, once again i am all booked up in time at work, seriously working this much should be a crime! but some other lucky so and so's have decided to jump ship and go on holiday for the week, and the castle is so bloody busy during summer already :(  just need to be...

woops, need to post!

soo ive been very quiet recently on the blogfront, but thats just pure lazyness so bear with me as i show you some lovely new stuff ive done:so i finished the first squad, and finished magnetizing that dozer blade, on the rhino which needs to get some primer in the...