Where I’m at

I've been catching up as best I can and it's been intense. If anyone's interested, since Tuesday's post I've commented on some worthwhile reads:Settling the Feral Shore (immigration for old school RPGs), Hill CantonsPainting Minatures and the Danger Zone (creative...

Ban Warhammer?

Back at the wheel here, briefly at least, to share with those who might otherwise miss it the thinking of a blogger at the Telegraph, supposedly a 'quality' daily British newspaper.It's arguably not much of a paper today, but UK national media may have gone off a...

… then the blogs – now specialist games?

According to epic addiction, both GW and Forge World are winding up production of miniatures for the specialist games, which presumably means Epic, Necromunda, Blood Bowl, Inquisitor etc. The new generation producers may be turning up in the nick of time.On that...

Bell of Lost Souls peals on

For everyone wondering about BoLS being down, I've just checked. Larry's looking into it and he's confident everything is fine, and the Lounge is still going. I don't have any news on the situation at Faeit 212, but as far as I know, Natfka is away at an event at the...

Crewbrew (2) – tertiary functions & compartment use

Seeing the new troop variant of the Dragonfly from puppetswar, partway between thunderhawk, valkyrie and Squat gyrocopter, I got to thinking more about that underslung compartment and how small a role vehicle interiors still have in play.So this is the second in the...