Another Man DOWN! …..poor guy

 This time, I'm going to use this as a Saxon.  This is an old Foundry miniature.....eerrrr....miniatures?  Whatever it is.......Fun stuff, I like how it turned out.  A cool little vignette of sorts.   I've recently finished up a bunch of...

Finished Some Older Gripping Beast Models

 These are all older metal miniatures from Gripping Beast Vikings.  They are really showing their age.The poses are very stagnant.  I did change out the weapons with plastic axes.  The old weapons are such a pain to work with.  Its like this...

Man Down!!! A new Viking

Err....maybe new Viking(s)....whatever you get the idea.  I've been hard at work the last few weeks and finished up an absolute ton of stuff that I've been working.  Mostly dark ages stuff, but some stuff to use with my crusaders as well.This is one of the...

Work In Progress on the Desk: Shields!!!

Oh know when I'm doing shields in huge bunches that new miniatures are coming....Some these are my hand painted, some are Little Big Men Studios, and some are Battle Flag....can you tell?....