Kubla Con, also, I’m NOT dead?!?

(Me and Carl from The Independant Characters Podcast)KublaCon! The premiere geeky orgasm in the San Francisco bay area (where I now reside) was this past weekend, and though I didn’t partake in some of the more eccentric portions of the convention I did take part in...

10 Warhammer Fantasy Rules People ‘Love’ to Forget

Hello everyone, Jason (aka Clown Baby on the forums) here with a filler post while I wait to get my new camera up and running.  Everyone forgets rules, and if you are like me, this happens very frequently and at the most inopportune time.  Most of my games...

Incoming! Blood Angels

Hello friends, just wanted to pop in and say that I've finally gotten settled into my new home (well, it's technically my old home).  That's right, the Kimchi Warrior has moved back to sunny California and is currently living at home with his parents (ladies,...

Dwarfs (not to be confused with Dwarves)

Holla amigos, as promised I am posting about my newest Warhammer Fantasy army, the mighty Dwarfs! The main reasons I decided to start a second army are many and varied but basically boil down to two things; variety and competive ability. While I do love my Vampire...

Busy Busy Busy

Sorry for the lack of updates over the, oh, last month or so as I've been rather busy since July.  First and foremost I have been enrolled in a TESOL course that has basically taken all of the free time I have when I'm not teacher little Korean kids the correct...