by Ray Burns | Aug 21, 2013
Eons ago I told you guys I would be helping a buddy do some "Let's Play" videos on YouTube. We finally got some gaming time, and I must say that his resulting videos are pretty fun to listen to. The game we're currently playing is Dungeon Defenders, which is just a...
by Ray Burns | Aug 20, 2013
Yesterday's post about my Warmachine 101 series was met with a lot of enthusiasm by people wanting to help. Typically I wouldn't do two "housekeeping" posts in a row, but I want everyone to get an idea of what to expect, as well as get some feedback on additions you...
by Ray Burns | Aug 19, 2013
For awhile now I've been toying with the idea of writing a Warmachine 101 series. I found an excellent one on a random blog when I first started, but even at the time it was a bit outdated by new releases. Plus I always like to try things I've seen elsewhere, and I'd...
by Ray Burns | Aug 18, 2013
At the beginning of the year I was hooked on the idea of building a gaming table. Of course life robs us of time and many dreams, but in the back of my mind I kept that one on life support. When I was looking around the terrain area of the Privateer Press forums...
by Ray Burns | Aug 17, 2013
While I enjoy a game where both sides have roughly the same terrain, sometimes it's nice to throw care out the window and tell a story. The most elaborate game boards do this by taking a piece of an asymmetrical city and creating a beautiful landscape to play on. I'm...