Warmachine: Eilish Garrity and a Tyrant

 The wife and horde were out this evening so i got cracking on a couple more bits for my Orgoth army:Eilish Garrity - Mercenary SoloTyrant Heavy WarjackI went for maximum firepower on this with a high pow AoE gun and a multiple shot gun to shred enemy infantry...

Wars of the Roses: Here comes the Ruckus!

 A few of the guys down the club have become rather enamored the Wars of the Roses era skirmish game "Here comes the Ruckus!" produced by Wargames Illustrated based off the Never Mind the Billhooks game by Andy Callan.I've recently been looking at the Hail Caesar...

Bolt Action: Trucks!

 These had taken so long to arrive that i had actually forgotten about them haha... surprised i didn't order more thinking i still needed them!That really is everything till V3 comes out!

Warmachine: Starting Orgoth!

Proper blast from the past haha... I've not played a game of Warmachine since 2016! With the news of Steamforged Games acquisition of the IP and manufacturing to occur in the UK a few of us have decided to get back involved.I went with the Orgoth as i love the lore...

Bolt Action: Moar Slovak Paratroopers and ready for V3!

Had a bit of time today in between decorating jobs and got the last of my Slovak Paras completed ahead of a game on Wednesday:That takes me to 1600pts painted, not bad for two months of painting... and more than some of the other club guys who have been playing for...