So long 2023… and thanks for the fish!

Getting this in early as we are off out for the evening... although will most likely be home and asleep before midnight haha.This year has been an odd one for hobbying, as can be seen by only 62 blog posts and 522 models painted... quite a bit less than last year!...

Conquest: Nords Stalkers

 Rounding out this project for now, and probably my last painted models for 2023 are this regiment of Stalkers for my Nords army:Not as good as Bow Chosen but quite a few points cheaper, they are a reasonable shooting unit and skirmish line for my forces for now.

Conquest: Sea Jotnar!

 Finished up the other big lad for my forces with this Sea Jotnar:Another fantastic model to paint up, really pleased how it came out in the end. This leaves me with just some Stalkers to complete for my 1500pts tourney force in three weeks, and just needing to...

Conquest: Mountain Jotnar!

 On to the big guys of the army of which here is the first, a Mountain Jotnar:I snagged this resin Artisan Series Mountain Jotnar along with a Sea Jotnar in an ebay bargain... almost 50% off it was too good a deal to pass up!He's been done proper grimy and grubby...

Conquest: Nords Raiders!

 Man alive two posts in two days!Here are a unit of Raiders to be a bunker for my Shaman Warlord to cast is spells and bring his excellent supremacy haha.I've made the unit so it has a Captain as an Officer for extra resolve and the option of being a medium unit...