Conquest: Nords Blooded and Shaman

 A couple of characters to lead my growing forces today; A Blooded and a Shaman:BloodedShamanThe Blooded is an all rounder would can be equipped as a melee beater or a ranged machine gun haha, the Shaman is well, a wizard... not destructive like the Dweg ones but...

Conquest: Nords Ugr

 Next up are a regiment of Ugr, the ogre equivalent brutes for the Nords:I'm a big fan of these models, they are a bit static but easy to build and paint quickly!

Conquest: Starting Nords and Fenr Beastpack

 Two posts in two days! What a time to be alive hahaI'm applying to be a Vanguard for Para-Bellum, so i need to have a second army available to run demos with and chose Nords because they play entirely different from the Dweghom and they look cool. I picked up...

Conquest: Inferno Automata

Well a month off painting and hobby with some illness in the family and some incredibly busy work days left me proper drained!Finally had a breather yesterday to get these completed:Will certainly be nice to get some faster moving stuff on the board for my Dweghom...

Conquest: Tempered Sorcerer!

No time for painting last week as i was mad busy following the LGT! Today I've finished this Tempered Sorcerer off that arrived a week or so ago:He's had a bit of a nerf since i bought him but still fine to play... his unit of Automata should arrive in a few weeks...