Age of Sigmar: Freeguild Marshall and Alchemite Warforger

Todays painting has involved finishing the current selection of character models i have before starting to tackle the troops!Freeguild Marshall & Relic EnvoyAlchemite WarforgerLike many others I've gone for the Greywater Fastness scheme for the contrast between...

Age of Sigmar: Cities of Sigmar Battle Wizards!

The new Cities launch box was enough to get me back into AoS haha, almost 2yrs since i last played! and whilst i waited for the box to be delivered i browsed the models for other newer aesthetic stand ins for the older WFB kits and found these two:  Cleona...

He-Man Miniatures Game: Vultak, Rattlor, Triclops and Plundor

Another round of minis added to my MoTU collection:Triclops and Plundor (Evil Warriors)Vultak (Evil Horde) and Rattlor (Evil Warriors / Snakemen)Some interesting sculpts this time round; Triclops and Rattlor i knew from old but Vultak and Plundor i had to do some...

Sythopian Wars: Asylumist Horde

August was a bit of a wash out for painting with holidays and some really time consuming work projects but I have today spare to get through some of the backlog... starting with this squad of Horde for my Asylumist force:

Sythopian Wars: Death Sqaud

Now that the Conquest stuff is done i can get back to the Sythopian Wars Founders Set I bought a few months ago and get cracking on the Asylumist forces, starting with the Death Squad:the heavy infantry unit for the Asylumists, packing versatile long range weaponry...