Sythopian Wars: Recon Drones and Tin Men

 Finishing off my Confederation force today with the rest of the starter box:Recon DronesTin MenRecon Drones are fast but fragile objective grabbers and Tin Men are the heavy robotic infantry of the force!

Sythopian Wars: Convict Drones

 Back to the brushes after a much needed holiday!Today I've painted some Convict Drones for a new sci fi wargame called Sythopian Wars, a large scale skirmish game played on a 4x4 with alternating activations and reactions.The game has a simple points system...

On Bloody Ground: Norman Archers

 Quick unit of archers for my force before i go on holiday!Three regiments to go now; two Norman Knights and one more Stippendari then the army is done for the games day we have planned on the 14th July!   

On Bloody Ground: Norman personalities and Crossbowmen

 Another week with reduced painting time sadly! Finally got these completed today after hitting bits over the last seven days:Crossbow SerjeantsDukeBishop OdoWilliam the ConquerorThat's about half the army completed now; still have another 20 Stippendarii, 24...

On Bloody Ground: Stippendari and added Banners

My banners finally arrived so I've added one to the previously completed Foot Knights (Dismounted Milities), and also completed a unit of Stippendari; Norman mercenary troops:Dismounted MilitiesStippendariNext up will be some characters and smaller units of...