Star Wars Legion: Darth Vader

I've recently acquired a beautiful Galactic Empire force for SWL, mostly to run as the new Imperial Remnant battleforce hehe, but also as an overall faction too. As part of it i recieved an unpainted Darth Vader which i used to test out the basing and weathering...

Star Wars Legion: Moar Pykes!

 Picked up a cheeky third unit of Pykes ahead of a game last night to start getting back in to SWL:I built the second heavy guy as a rifle as i have enough pykes to make four units of them now without having to spend out for another box which is nice!

The Men Who Would Be Kings: Paraguayan Infantry Finished!

The last block of Paraguayan irregulars are now done:This leaves me with a unit of cavalry and a cannon to do but I'm going to have a short break as there is some star wars legion to be played next week and i have some reinforcements to get ready haha

The Men Who Would Be Kings: Paraguayan Irregulars

 Bit of a delay posting these but here is the next unit for the Triple Alliance project:This time its a unit of Irregular Infantry to represent the extra recruits added to the core of more professional soldiers at the start of the war. I used mostly the models...