A Song of Ice and Fire: Baratheon Heroes 4

 The Rainbow Guard are here!Robar Royce, Bryce Caron, Emmon Cuy and Guyard MorrigenParmen Crane, Loras Tyrell, Renly Baratheon and BrienneResplendent with the Baratheon Banners This just leaves me with another unit of Queens Men to do and my forces are back...

A Song of Ice and Fire: Baratheon Heroes 3

I managed to snag Polish copies of Heroes 3 and 4 recently, and started on the Stannis side models first:Bryen Farring and Dale Seaworth                          ...

A Song of Ice and Fire: R’hllor Lightbringers

Trying to get through more Baratheons before my Manowar models finally(!) arrived haha, starting with this second unit of R'hllor Lightbringers for the Stannis side:This unit has yellow bows rather than metal to easily differentiate the pair on the board!