A Song of Ice and Fire: Champions of the Stag!

 A third unit of the awesome Champions of the Stag for my Baratheon army!Absolutely love these guys in the game, everything you could want for a unit; hard hitting super durable and mobile.. for Baratheon's anyway Haha.

Warcaster: More Iron Star Alliance!

Here's the last of Iron Star Alliance models i have currently are now done:Paladin Commander - SoloPaladin AnnihilatorsPaladin Siege Breaker - SoloPaladin Weaver - SoloThese have been a lot of fun to paint, and the game is great to play and significantly more tactical...

Warcaster: Paladins and Solos

 Really making headway through these now:Automech - SoloPaladin DefendersMajor Aysa Drayce - Hero SoloPaladin Siege Breaker - SoloJust a few more models to go from my current pile and I've ordered the last couple of bits to give me a full size game force of 15...

Horus Heresy: Exodus

Painted whilst building up the next Warcaster models! I'd seen a few Exodus conversions based off the praetors from the box and this is my version:Primaris Eliminator parts scale well with the silly larger praetor models, and the addition of a greenstuff cloak to...