Warcaster: Morningstar and Firebrand

 Time for another couple of models for my ISA:Firebrand - Light WarjackMorningstar - Heavy WarjackThat's all my Warjacks finished now so its time to crack back on with the rest of the infantry squads and characters that are staring at me in metallic judgment...

Warcaster: Justicar Voss and Firebrand

Been ages since I've had a change to paint with one thing or another but here's the latest additions to my ISA:Firebrand - Light WarjackJusticar Voss - SoloThe rest of my models that i had to get from PP direct have now arrived so its time to get cracking in earnest!

Warcaster: Starting the Iron Star Alliance!

A couple of guys down the club have decided to give Warcaster a go and after watching some batreps i decided to get involved as well.A quick squizz through the factions and i had a bunch of Iron Star Alliance minis on order from a few places haha:Paladin Aegis - Unit...

Horus Heresy: Cataphractii Terminator Squad

Closing in on the end of the Age of Darkness box now, here are the Cataphractii Terminators completed:I went with mostly lightning claws to go murdering other marines with but added a pair of chainfists to give them some extra punch into heavier vehicles if needed.The...

Horus Heresy: Heavy Support Squad

Finished off some long range punch for my army with this Heavy Support Squad:Really pleased how these guys turned out, and also how the force is coming together now. I had the twin fails of running out of primer and no post today so have build ten terminators rather...