A Song of Ice and Fire: Champions of the Stag!

 A third unit of the awesome Champions of the Stag for my Baratheon army!Absolutely love these guys in the game, everything you could want for a unit; hard hitting super durable and mobile.. for Baratheon's anyway Haha.

Warcaster: More Iron Star Alliance!

Here's the last of Iron Star Alliance models i have currently are now done:Paladin Commander - SoloPaladin AnnihilatorsPaladin Siege Breaker - SoloPaladin Weaver - SoloThese have been a lot of fun to paint, and the game is great to play and significantly more tactical...

Warcaster: Paladins and Solos

 Really making headway through these now:Automech - SoloPaladin DefendersMajor Aysa Drayce - Hero SoloPaladin Siege Breaker - SoloJust a few more models to go from my current pile and I've ordered the last couple of bits to give me a full size game force of 15...

Horus Heresy: Exodus

Painted whilst building up the next Warcaster models! I'd seen a few Exodus conversions based off the praetors from the box and this is my version:Primaris Eliminator parts scale well with the silly larger praetor models, and the addition of a greenstuff cloak to...

Warcaster: Morningstar and Firebrand

 Time for another couple of models for my ISA:Firebrand - Light WarjackMorningstar - Heavy WarjackThat's all my Warjacks finished now so its time to crack back on with the rest of the infantry squads and characters that are staring at me in metallic judgment...