Bolt Action: Medium Howitzer

 A staple of most Bolt Action armies, I've picked up an Italian medium howitzer (A Skoda one!) for my forces:Like my other teams i wanted them all one one base and will just put a dice to show any casualties that occur in the crew.

Gorkamorka: Muties for a Club Campaign!

 A few of us at the club have decided to run a Gorkamorka campaign... some of us played it first time round but some of them weren't born when it was out before haha!I've gone with Muties, I've used them before years ago but wanted to give them a run out again as...

Bolt Action: 3rd Slovak infantry and 1100pts Completed!

 I have finished my 3rd Rifle Section today to complete all the models i have so far:Here's the whole army together, i'm really happy with how they look all grouped!Further reinforcements are on route; a medium howitzer and a box of Fallschirmjager to paint up as...

Bolt Action: Slovakian Infantry

 These have sat half finished for over a week but finally got them done today!I really like how they have turned out, and work has begun on the next squad. I went with ten models and an LMG hoping that Warlord make them a viable option this time round haha.