Pacific Rim: Kaiju Drone

 My amazing wife got me a 3D printer for Xmas! And after setting it up i was itching to print something and then i remembered the Wave 3 models for the Pacific Rim Extinction game i picked up last year were all available as stl files as River Horse didn't make...

The Old World: Gorebeast Chariot and Month 1 Complete!

 I finished up this Gorebeast Chariot for my forces the other day but didn't get a chance to post it:That completes the first months work of 500pts in our escalation league at the club, here's a pic of the whole section together... not a lot of models at 500pts...

Conquest: Death Chicken Objectives!

Quick one today to show the objectives i made for Conquest using the tourney prize death chicken models haha.Had a fantastic days gaming of Conquest at the Southampton Sluggaz event on Saturday, and with two wins and a loss i came 7/18th which was superb!

The Old World: Returning with Warriors of Chaos

My club is running an escalation league for the next 6 months with the plan to run an event in July whoop!I am going to be running Warriors of Chaos and here is my first unit:10 Chaos Warriors with Halberds, beautiful AoS updated chaos models on glorious square bases...