Speed Painted Necron Army: Finished!

So (very!) late last night I managed to finish my speed painted necron army for Winter War. It’s been quite a slog but in the grand scheme of things painting 2400 -3000ish points of Necrons in just over a month (rough 20 hours of painting  I estimate) is pretty...

Horus Heresy "My" Legion: The Imperial Fists

Hey guys thought I would do a wee blog post discussing my choice of Horus Heresy Legion: The Imperial Fists. So the reasoning for my choice was actually pretty simple, I’m rubbish at painting yellow and black properly so I’m going to paint a whole army of it! Also...

Painting Challenge: Awesome Terrain Voting

Hey guys! so here are the entrants for the fourth painting challenge! Some amazing work here by the guys! Anyway now for the voting, very simple: Choose your favourite (hard part!), tweet your vote to me (@paint_hammer) or as a comment to this blog post. One vote...


It is the year 650, as the Christians note it, and the darkness that has engulfed the world since the Romanii betrayed the lands of the north and west only intensifies with each passing year. Established kingdoms and ruthless overlords war with each other even as they...

Necron Army List For Winter War

So this weekend I am going to my first ever 40k tournament at the always awesome Winter War Charity Event (please donate and find out more here: http://warhammer.org.uk/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=130827). Quite excited to play more 40k as have enjoyed...