by Rob | Sep 7, 2012
Well, here's another painted Cryptek for you. The first of 3 Harbingers of Destruction! I decided these guys will be mostly metal and I'll let the multiple glowy bits add interest to the miniature. Keeping the shoulders metallic means they don't get lost in the unit...
by Rob | Aug 25, 2012
by Rob | Aug 6, 2012
These guys were nice and quick to paint. "paint" may be overestimating things, however I did spend a fair amount of time on the bases ;)"Delicious, eh Shrapnel?"Fairly standard scarabs, although you may notice a few mini scarabs from the tomb kings sprues as space...
by Rob | Aug 2, 2012
Well, he's been sitting half complete for months now, so I thought it was long past time to finish him off.Colours actually came out a lot more vivid than they usually do. The iPhone's camera is pretty sweet.Ready to get Jaws'd off the tableI'm quite pleased with the...
by Rob | Jul 28, 2012
So, I'm buildiing the final few figures needed to finish off my Necron army. Final few until I decide to add in more wraiths (very likely) or my group arbitarily decides to change points values (again very likely). The last few I need at the moment, however, are the...