Necron Lord Cosplay

I've seen plenty of Imperial costumes, a few Eldar (and even a titan) but this is the first Necron outfit I've seen.Looks pretty badass!Via KotakuI'm moving soon (today in fact!). I'm hoping once I'm settled in and have some more room I'll get back into painting stuff!

Harbinger of Destruction – Cryptek Conversion

Just a conversion today. I've not been doing much painting lately, but I'm sure I'll get back on the hobby horse sooner or later.There is a 74.56% chance of your face being shot by my huge laser.Anyway, here's my first Harbinger of Destruction Cryptek. I'll paint the...

Unit Finished – Necron Warriors 2

5 more Warriors done, including a few with battle damage.I think I'll end up with about 25 warriors in total once I've assembled everything. I'm not sure how to run them; The Internet advocates multiple small units, but I think larger squads to take advantage of...

Necron Overlord WIP

Lord or Overlord? Either way, he's pretty much just the plastic Lord with a Lychguard Warscythe. Just a work in progress to show the basic colour layout.I was actually planning to have the loin cloth and cloak turquoise, but I forgot and painted it purple. I think...

Unit Finished – Harbinger of Despair

This is a fairly common conversion, but that's because it's a good one. The plastic Warhammer Heroes range has been pretty fantastic so far. Lots of scope for cool conversions."Oh, I'm not actually a Cryptek. I'm just cosplaying as Cloak." Anyway, I decided to...