Infinity! Aleph Tactbot WIP

Infinity! Aleph Tactbot WIP

...very very WIP.As you can see, early stages yet. This is my first Infinity project. Lots more updates to come soon, I hope! More Tau and 40k stuff too, of course!Bad photo, bad mini, bad pose, awwww yeah lets get this party started
Tau custom objective markers WIP

Tau custom objective markers WIP

I've only played a few games of 7th so far but it's a lot of fun with the Maelstrom missions. It really makes the game much more dynamic and keeps things interesting until the end.Who doesn't love a dead Tau? The pic quality isn't so good but I really like the way his...
Necrons – Full army shots

Necrons – Full army shots

Well, here they are. While they're not my best work and far from my favourite army I have to say they look pretty nice all laid out together. Sorry for the less than great photos, I was in a bit of a rush when I took these so some are kind of crappy. If you click...
Unit finished – Necron Wraiths

Unit finished – Necron Wraiths

Here's my unit of 5, both with and without the obligatory Destroyer Lord.Why only 5? Well, number 6 went missing somewhere in my bitz box before I could build him. Maybe he'll resurface one day.They just want to be friends. Whipcoils and Mindshackle scarabs for...