by SandWyrm | Jul 11, 2015
by SandWyrmSo I got a call from Uberdark up in Kokomo, who says he's heading down to Sinclair Games (our new favorite game store) to "Spend a $#!%-load of money" on Age of Sigmar. Would I like to come over to the store and hang out while he puts stuff...
by SandWyrm | Jul 7, 2015
by SandWyrmFor those of you like me, who do enjoy silly games from time to time, but don't want to waste $125 just to make stupid GW-themed farting noises, there's a much better game out there than Age of Sigmar. It's called "Monkeys Need Love Too" from Topwise Games,...
by SandWyrm | Jul 6, 2015
by SandWyrmHad a look over at GW's investor page, and found this unusually informative statement on GW's upcoming financials. Snowmobiled opinions in red.TRADING UPDATE ON CLOSE OF FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 MAY 2015Following the close of its 2014/15 financial year Games...
by SandWyrm | May 20, 2015
by SandWyrmWhen the Blood Angels want to go ice skating, this is what they use. :)
by SandWyrm | May 16, 2015
by SandWyrmIn no particular order, here are my impressions (both good and bad) about the latest WoWS update.1) It's Too LaggyIt's nice to have the ping and FPS counters back in the upper-let corner of the screen, that's definitely an improvement. But after this update...