Librarian of Doom?

Doooooom!!!!!I've been thinking about a melee oriented Librarian. He may not kill much, in general but I needed a survivable Librarian that could drop down with the Deathwing and still hold his own, while supplying rerolls to his unit. This seems pretty good to me....

I Like Tanks

Calm Down FolksWatching people react to certain rules is entertaining. Watching the wailing and gnashing of teeth as vehicles took a slight hit in Warhammer 40,000 has been downright comical.Heldrakes, Whirlwinds, flamers in general are everywhere. They all ignore...

Why I (Still) Play 40k

Wow, has a lot changed in the last year. If you were to tell me that 40k would take a back seat to other game systems a year ago I would have had a tough time believing it. Without question, though, I must have played at least 100 games of Warmachine this year. Two...

Random Shots

I haven't had lots of time to formate posts, but I figured I should just continue to put up the shots. Chaos Terminator for my small renegade force. Just a base coat so far. Then we've got a Reckoner for Menoth, which is a lot further along. That's a commission....

Blood Gorgons

GorgonsBuy this book. If you have any interest in Chaos Space Marines, go read this book.The Blood Gorgons are a strange Chapter of Astartes. They hold that brotherhood is to be honored above all else. So much so that they exchange organs and blood among pairs of...