My Chaos List

1850 Pts - Chaos Space Marines Roster - 1850 Chaos Marines 1850 Pts - Chaos Space Marines Roster - 1850 Chaos MarinesTotal Roster Cost: 1848HQ: Sorcerer (1#, 115 pts)   1 Sorcerer, 115 pts = (base cost 60 + Increase Mastery Level x1 25 + Sigil of...


I've been super busy of late, with both life and hobby. We are also now dealing with the loss of power due to Sandy. Regular posting to resume soon!


Customer service is driving me nuts. I'm on email 15 or so and I can't get Battlefoam to replace a Conquest foam that is no good. They gave me the run around and now they're giving the retailer I purchased from the run around.This could get me to drop them. For such a...

Champions of Chaos

How do you gear them up? Do you tool them up at all?The question comes from the Champions of Chaos special rule which demands that our Champions must accept and deliver challenges whenever possible.The rulebook says that if the combatants can't fight or strike blows...

Chaos Rising

My Chaos stuff came in. I've been working in small forces, so I've got about 500 points worth of stuff to build and I started with this Aspiring Champion. These plastic models always make me question Finecast. This model is gorgeous. The details is insane and it's not...