by Silar Lannanaris | Oct 2, 2014
Very quick post today. Been on an epically long holiday and have finally got back.So the topic for today's post is which photo sharing site do you guys use for blogging? If you could drop me a comment below I would be hugely great full. The reason for this is that...
by Silar Lannanaris | Sep 2, 2014
So continuing with the updates here are the figures currently complete along with links to their pages. I hope you enjoy.Judge PrinceWendy GoOverdrive Inc. RepresentativeBodyguardRhode Island RedSquid FaceThe Angel GangOrlock the AssassinThe Midnight Surfer aka...
by Silar Lannanaris | Sep 1, 2014
Well it had to happen sooner or later. Here is my first beer review! I wanted to start with a simple one that you can find readily available in most good beer shop and supermarkets.So first up is:Brewdog's Dead Pony ClubHere are the stats:Country:...
by Silar Lannanaris | Sep 1, 2014
Welcome to the Shuggy Hall."Welcome Chum to Angles Mcmanus' Shuggy Hall. As far as shady back street dives go, this is one of the nicer ones."-Max NormalFrom this dive we will delve into all things Judge Dredd. Be it Comics, Movies, Games or books. So if these topics...
by Silar Lannanaris | Sep 1, 2014
It's been a while and I feel guilty about it. So I'm back and having a clean up. Going to start removing some of the old broken links and pictures and just have a good old fashion clean up. So what have I been up to? Well mostly work, lots of work! But never fear...