Sector 102: Character Profile Wendy Go.

Sector 102: Character Profile Wendy Go.

++ Sector House 102 Emergency Call ++++ Subject: Wendy Go ++"To any available Judges within the Dan Abnett block region. Reported Futsie down at the Happy Noodle Store, on the intersection of Keith Moon and Irvine Welsh Megways. Futsie is armed and...

More for sale.

Sorry for all these for sale posts. It's just a case of wanting to clear space for newer shiny figures and projects. Also to make it easier it is a link to my ebay profile. As always all items are open to offers. Thanks for reading.Ebay Fallen PrincesComing up next...
Comic Review: Predator vs Dredd vs Aliens

Comic Review: Predator vs Dredd vs Aliens

Well it's time for another comic review. This time it's Predator vs Judge Dredd vs Aliens. Yes you did read that correctly,  two of cinemas most scary sci-fi aliens have come to Mega-City One. And only Dredd stands between them and the unprepared citizens. The...
Autumn sales

Autumn sales

Well I warned you guys a sale was coming and here it is! The reason for selling all this, is for the following reasons:1) Moving early next year. So have to clear space again,2) I really need a new laptop, the current one is getting so slow it is beyond a joke.3) Most...
Revenge of the Corsairs

Revenge of the Corsairs

Well I'm not going to lie after quite a long break from 40k I have reignited my love for the game. As the cheesy saying goes a break is as good as a rest (may have just made that up sorry). So unsurprisingly it's the Eldar that are to blame. I just can't shift these...