Mur’Baj’s Marauders

Setting out for plunder, loot and the hope of raising himself further up the ranks of goblinhood, Mur'Baj has cajoled, enticed and beaten some other goblins to come with him.Mur'baj is the axe-wielding goblin in the centre of this shot, his sergeant Varnik is over...

Etako’s Expeditionaries Battle Company

We're hoping to play some Battle Company games on the weekend, so have begun preparation.You may recall a very long time ago that Etako Ironfist led an expeditionary force. Well here they are in Battle Company form.These dwarves have been tasked with forging ahead of...

Black hearted Blackshields

A few evenings of painting have let me finish the Moria Blackshields.The dwarves I'm actually painting while my son is present, so they're coming along VERY slowly =)I, of course, have forgotten a lot in the last many years! Chiefly among them, how to take photos of...

Long time no post

Hi all!My little boy is now 7 years old and we’ve read The Hobbit. He really enjoyed it and I told him I had some miniatures and a game about it.Anyway, out came the old stuff from deep inside a cupboard.We decided to paint up the dwarves from...
More missiles

More missiles

Here's my week's work, yes, just one trooper, but it's been that sort of week!He's my third Long Fang and the second missile launcher troop, thanks again to my brother for the launchers and missile!You know the drill by now...Try to ignore the askew missile top...