Feel it hot, hot, hot…

So, over the last couple of days I've polished off the Melta armed Grey Hunter...He has a melta gun in one hand and a sword in the other. The sword had runes etched into it, so I thought I'd try and do some shiny rune type things in it.And from this side you see the...

Hoist the Banner

Yay! Another guy done!My banner bearer for pack 2 of grey hunters, nothing particularly fancy here. I'm really pleased with the eyes, though the resolution isn't good enough in this shot, I'll try taking a better one tomorrow maybe. I think sometimes these milk bottle...

Power Spear

I know I'm on a roll! One of our inconsiderate neighbours (actually a block away) had a VERY noisy dog barking for an hour and a half last night. In an effort to not get aggro I popped downstairs and did some more painting instead of sleeping =)This is the power...

Rok Kjel Wolfguard

Here's the leader of my second Grey Hunter squad, name of Rok Kjel. He's a Wolfguard like Etako with a powerfist and a storm bolter. He's got the pack marking for the second squad on his knee.My favorite part are the crosshairs on his bionic eye targeting thing, a...
Wolf Lord Skodi

Wolf Lord Skodi

Well, this took FOREVER. I spent hours and hours on this one single mini! I figured I should, given that this is my Wolf Lord, name of Skodi.In terminator armour and dual claws he should stand out nicely with a big wolf pelt and red-lined cape. I've taken pictures up...