Space Wolf Pack 1

Haven't done much this last few weeks (well, apart from all the real life things!)Try again, haven't done much hobby stuff this last few weeks!Had already painted most of Pack 1 of my Space Wolf army, finished the last three troops so now I have a fully painted...

Henge of Stones

With some polystyrene blocks from eBay (2 foot by 2 foot by 1 inch) as well as a cheap bit of MDF that I had cut to 1 foot by 1 foot I now have lots of building materials for super cheap scenery.The first thing I wanted to make was a standing circle of bit stones, a...

Harad Army – now with lighting!

Took the opportunity yesterday to take some happy snaps of my new Harad army!Here they all are. I've still got two guys waiting to become banner bearers, but apart from them I've got three full warbands now.One Mumak with a crew of 12 archers. One Hasharin with a...

Battle Report – Hijack!

Druzhag the Beastcaller had seen something recently that turned his already insane thoughts all afire. A new creature, larger than any he had previously tamed. He had to have it. He had to control it. If successful there was nothing that could stop him. But how?...

Spears, spears and more spears!

Finally got through the second warband of spearmen today.I've taken a few pretty poor photos, but you get the idea, I'll take some better pics some other time =)Here's everybody! Except the Hasharin. Oops, dunno where he went. Maybe he's behind you right now!This...