by simmuskhan | Jan 22, 2013
Well, I had a day with a sore mouth and little to do so I did some base-coating of more Haradrim warriors and finished off my Nazgul on foot.I wanted a model that represented a dismounted Nazgul, so I chose one that I think looks as though he has been knocked from his...
by simmuskhan | Jan 21, 2013
Well, thanks to some botched dentistry I've been flat on my back having had two procedures in one day culminating in a tooth removal. So the painting has been non-existant, as you may have noticed from the lack of updates.Today I'm off the heavy pain killers so did...
by simmuskhan | Jan 16, 2013
Well, you may or may not recall the backstory of my Harad army, but to cut a long story short one of the Nazgul has become fixated on astrology as a means of portending the future. I figured for a bit of scenery and some diorama fun I'd make him an...
by simmuskhan | Jan 12, 2013
Huzzah!After the washes had all dried it was a time consuming but simple task to re-highlight all of the raised surfaces and voila one Mumak with Crew.The blues all work well together I think!From the back...And the other side, sorry about the lighting on these...
by simmuskhan | Jan 9, 2013
Here they are with some highlights on them. Pretty much just some Blood Red on the red bits and up to Regal Blue on the cloaks. Bleached bone on the heads and a few more layers of my watery graveyard earth on the clothing.And here I've just about finished my pre-wash...