Necron Dynasty – Necron Warriors w/ Gauss Reapers #2

Hello Readers, welcome back to part two of the Indomitus Crusade Necron Warriors armed with Gauss Reapers. I am still away at sea so this is scheduled. These are the second ten of the twenty you get in the box set - I chose to arm them with the shorter range Gauss...

Necron Dynasty – Necron Warriors w/ Gauss Reapers #1

Hello Readers, thanks for dropping by. I have finally got around to painting my Indomitus Crusade Necron Warriors. I have plenty of Warriors already, but these are all armed with Necron Flayers as standard. With the 'new' Warriors, you have a choice of Gauss Flayers...

Chaos Daemons – Daemons of Nurgle – Nurglings

Hello Readers, thanks for dropping by. I am deployed again so have a few scheduled posts to keep you entertained and the blog ticking over. I have a few more reinforcements to Nurgle on the heels of the Great Unclean One, some characterful Nurglings. These are...

Imperator Titan – AT28mm Playtest Rule Set

Hello All!Siph and I were able to squeeze in a small, if massive battle to play test some Imperator rules for the Titan Owners Club. We had several versions of rules to try, and ended up with a hybrid of 2 of the rules we had put together.  The battle saw my...