Adeptus Custodes – Vexilus Praetor in Allarus Armour

Hello all, thanks for dropping in. Hot on the heels of last week's Allarus Terminator Shield Captain, another model the boxset allows is a Vexilus Praetor in Allarus Armour. Armed with the same Balistus Grenade Launcher, he lacks the punch of a Castellan Axe or...

Adeptus Custodes – Shield Captain in Allarus Armour

Hello All, thanks for dropping by. On the coat tails of the Custodian Guardians a few weeks ago, I have added a Shield Captain in Allarus Armour to lead them. A formidable warrior!I followed the Duncan Rhodes tutorial again, and to mark him out as a Shield Captain I...

Relictors Space Marines – Sternguard Razorback

Hi all, thanks for dropping by, I have finished a much needed transport option for my recently completed Sternguard Squads, an Assault Cannon armed Razorback.This was an eBay purchase from previously Death Company Blood Angels, so the wonky barrels on the Assault...