Chaos Daemons – Plague Drones of Nurgle #1

Hello All, thanks for dropping by, I hope Papa Nurgle hasn’t blessed your house with COVID, but for people with all this time WFH or in isolation, I thought I’d give something back to Papa Nurgle in the form of some Nurgle Daemons, these are my first...

Imperial Knights – Dominus Class Valiant Knight

Hello fellow Knight Scions, thanks for dropping by. Whilst I was painting last week's Dominus Castellan from my friends Terryn to now Vassal Knights of Astorum, I worked on the Dominus Class Valiant Knight, the short-range brutal killer Knight.The scheme is very...

Imperial Knights – Dominus Class Knight Castellan

Hello Knight Scions and Princeps all, here is a mighty addition to the Vassal Knights of Legio Astorum that support my Legio Astorum Titan Maniple. I bought this part painted from my good friend and fellow Legio Astorum Princeps John. His trim colour was different...

Old Stuff Day – Rogue Trader Era Marines

Not a tradition I've been part of previously, but I have seen the Warhammer 39,999 blog and Old Stuff Day is something he started ages ago, so it was about time I joined in after being mentioned in two of my fellow Blogger's blogposts today - man, I must be...

Necron Dynasty – Tesseract Vault Superheavy Flyer – WIP

Hello all, thanks for dropping in to WeeMen. I have been working on a very large model after several small Relictors, I thought I'd change it up and work on my Christmas present, a Necron Tesseract Vault. Its a model I am fairly familiar with as I have had a Obelisk...