by Skarvald the Troll-faced | Jun 22, 2012
Sometimes the Hobby Gods simply don't feel like being on our side. Judging by the series of unfortunate events that have been happening to me these past weeks it seems like I have upset them... by actually feeling inspired and wanting to hobby. I know right?First, I...
by Skarvald the Troll-faced | Jun 11, 2012
Yesterday I posted about my priming malfunction with the Black Ivan and about the primer and paint peeling off way too easily. Now, I was very unsure when I dropped the model in Simple Green.I have used Simple Green to clean metal Games Workshop models and even an Ork...
by Skarvald the Troll-faced | Jun 11, 2012
In what might turn out to be a pretty interesting series of articles, I'm going to share with you my experience of slowly departing from my days of shouting "WAAAAAGH!" and gradually getting to know the glory of Warmahordes. While I still love Warhammer 40,000 and...
by Skarvald the Troll-faced | Jun 10, 2012
Today I decided to work on my Black Ivan model, which was supposed to be my entry for the Lost Hemisphere's new monthly Paint the Target challengeI was all excited about finally painting Harkevich's favorite 'jack.Primed it black, using Privateer Press' Formula P3...
by Skarvald the Troll-faced | Jun 7, 2012
Hey there, folks!I'm pretty excited to announce that The 11th Company Podcast just released their 120th episode, titled Episode 120: Dive Bomb for Paint Scores!Well, what does that mean? Well, you should totally go and check it out, give it all your ears for its...