Monday Hobby Awesomeness! Woohoo!

Monday Hobby Awesomeness! Woohoo!

Yes, I realize that the title sounds like something out of Goatboy's Extra 40k Thoughts but for the sake of my sanity and due to me being tired and lazy I'll just stick with this nonsensical, unproductive title.Let's just say that today I didn't have a case of the...
HotPANDA’s 200th Post Giveaway!

HotPANDA’s 200th Post Giveaway!

FREE STUFF! YOU COULD WIN THISSWEET TOY!!!... WELL. NOT REALLY.Well. Possibly. Only if you are awesome and the Dice Gods smile upon your fate, though. If you would like to learn more about this awesome G-I-V-E-A-W-A-Y, then you should check out HotPANDA's awesome...