by Skarvald the Troll-faced | Jun 4, 2012
Yes, I realize that the title sounds like something out of Goatboy's Extra 40k Thoughts but for the sake of my sanity and due to me being tired and lazy I'll just stick with this nonsensical, unproductive title.Let's just say that today I didn't have a case of the...
by Skarvald the Troll-faced | Jun 2, 2012
FREE STUFF! YOU COULD WIN THISSWEET TOY!!!... WELL. NOT REALLY.Well. Possibly. Only if you are awesome and the Dice Gods smile upon your fate, though. If you would like to learn more about this awesome G-I-V-E-A-W-A-Y, then you should check out HotPANDA's awesome...
by Skarvald the Troll-faced | May 29, 2012
This weekend I met with Brian from A Gentleman's Ones for some much-deserved hobby time and for the first time since I've know Brian we actually hung out for a reason that was not terrain-building or Special Operations: KILLZONE. And it was Glorious!Those of you who...
by Skarvald the Troll-faced | May 25, 2012
It's truly the Summer of Flyers this season, guys. The Necrons are finally getting their Doom Scythe and Night Scythe kits; Codex: Space Marines is getting its very own flyer as well, represented by the Stormtalon; Orks are getting not one, not two but three...
by Skarvald the Troll-faced | May 25, 2012
Hey there, folks, It's me again. With some of my thoughts on the this whole ACTUAL Summer o' Flierz. Again.Now that we know what the rules for the Ork Flierz are, it's time to sit down and play favorites.The Dakkajet, the Blitza-Bommer and the Burna-Bommer now have...