Painting: Dark Eldar Reaver Jetbike

Here are a few pics of the first of my armies Reaver Jetbikes! I am currently running two units of 6 guys and they are proving very effective.The first game I ran the Jetbikes in they messed up a unit of genestealers with their bladevanesThey also proved to be...

Painting: Dark Eldar test model

With me now pretty much in possession of my full 1750point Dark Eldar army (still waiting on a few bits), I have started looking at colour schemes.I have been mighty impressed with a lot of the armies out there especially those done by several of the DE blogs I follow...

Battle Report: Dark Eldar vs Orks 1750pts

This week saw my Dark Eldar go up against Hef's Orks. I've only played Hef once before (a long while ago now) and my experiences with Orks have been limited to about three battles... ever! Hef is a decent Ork player too, having come in 4th at the recent Longest Day...

Battle Report: Dark Eldar vs Blood Ravens 1750pts

So my first attempt with using my Dark Eldar was against my mate Ben's rampaging Blood Ravens ("counts as" Blood Angels). Since switching from Tau, Ben has had a 100% win rate! His army is solid and he has one of those blasted Storm Ravens that my Emperor's Word Space...