Next Tau list: trying out 2 Septs.

Time for the next iteration of my Tau.  I picked up a couple ideas from watching other people play and decided to try them out myself.The key is the Sa'Cea sept, where each unit can re-roll a single failed to-hit each turn.  I first saw this with railheads -...

Showcase: XV-95 Ghostkeel

It's finally done. After a bunch of hemming and hawing over what colors go where, I finished it up over the weekend.  Of course having all the weapons magnetized adds time to complete the work, but it's worth it.As my supply of fenris grey dwindles, the less I'm...

One last tweak to the Bork’An list

Last week I came back from a seized initiative against another 3-0 Tau player to go undefeated and secure first place in the month's league play!After seeing what he was doing I decided to make a few tweaks on my list, mainly giving my drop commander more...

Updated Bork’An Sept list

I made some changes to my Tau list, dropping the Ghostkeels.  They were a lot of points for not a lot of damage.  Especially now where there is no first turn deep strikes in my face they are not as needed.The key to the whole thing is Broadsides with missile...

More Tau!

Yep I keep painting Tau, this time two Firesight Marksman.  These are pretty good, being only 25 pts and have a markerlight that hits on 3+. I put him in the Tidewall Drone Port withh 9 firewarriors.  Combined with a nearby drone controller that gives me 4...