Dark Angels projects complete (for now) – Intercessors, Vets

I have now finished all my current Dark Angels models with the completion of the Intercessors and my magnetized vets.I should get some robed guys, but these will do for now.I still need a unit of hellblasters and a Darkshroud.  But after that I'm not sure.

My first Dark Angels list

Since the Dark Angels codex was released I've been working on what I had.  I had 20 infantry built from before 8th when I was making a Lion's Blade.  10 tacticals, 5 assault and 5 devs with a grav cannon.Well I changed things around, making the devs 2x...

The Ork Horde – Tournament viable?

Green Tide is a popular way to play Orks under 8th edition, and I can't disagree with the effectiveness.  Now there are a lot of pros and cons to the list.First, let's start with what I've been playing:Battalion Detachment 1HQ: Warboss, Attack Squig, Headwoppa's...

Ravenwing Talonmaster conversion.

One of the new units in the DA codex is the Ravenwing Talonmaster.It gives re-rolls of 1 to wound to ravenwing units, has a power sword (and thus can get the relic) and has a ton of shooting. Not a bad unit.I had the twin weapons from a ravenwing sprue and the rest is...

More Dark Angels for now

Continuing to work on my DA a bit, starting with a Master.  Magnetized for a chainsword and power axe.  The axe is pretty cheap so I'll probably use that more often than not.  The idea is to have a master, lieutenant and 8 vets with plasma in a drop...