Return balance to the list: 40k 8th edition Orks.

So what have we learned so far?1. Da Jump is awesome2. Loota-wagon is broken3. Bikes are fastSo why not combine them all?The idea here is to base a fast-moving Bike Star with the loota-wagon and some general protection for everything.Battalion DetachmentHQ: Warboss on...

The next Ork 8th edition list: Mobile firepower!

The rules as stated in 8th are not kind to MSU - the player that finishes placing first goes first.  This also applies to armies with many characters to throw out buffs.So let's try an army with 4 drops. Yep. 4.Spearhead Detachment x2 (Both identical)HQ: Mek in...

40k 8th Ork analysis: Boys before toys? No, toys AND boys!

So last night was my first game of 8th edition, playing buffed Ork's quite the adjustment to not have to worry about templates!So I went full buff list: Ghazzy, warpath weirdboy, waagh! banner nob.  It was astonishing easy to get 6 attacks per boy...

40k 8th edition Ork horde revised!

So it seems 2000pts is going to be the standard in ITC not 1850.  So that gave me a bit more wiggle room.  The first and most obvious change is putting the warboss in Megarmor.  Well if I'm going to do that, might as well go full Ghazzy instead. ...