Ork Rat Rod Trukk

It's been a long time. Seems like I've been painting Dark Angels forever, but in reality it's only been 4 months.  I finished the UFO's and now to the next project. I bought this Trukk used back many moons for just $16, and it's been sitting forever. Not...

The Inner Circle GOLD!!!

That's right, my Dark Angels on Mustafar won gold here at the Portland store.  So very excited, after months and months of non-stop painting it was all worth it!So now it's the waiting game to see if I won a grand prize. Looking at the other entries my hopes are...

Warhammer 40k 8th edition: Time to start the speculation on Orks

GW has covered an overview of just about all the rules at this point, but still there are A LOT of questions left unanswered.While we got to see a dataslate for thousand sons, and a few other weapon spoilers, we will have to wait and see.We know the Morkanaught has 18...

As 7th winds down, hard to find inspiration to play…

I still have my weekly 40k league and other chances to play.  However it's getting harder and harder to do anything other than go through the motions.  No point in building new lists, no point in practicing anything, just..no point.A bit of Osborne effect...