The Inner Circle – Dark Angels complete!

All 18 units are now done for my Inner Circle entry, with 2 weeks to finish the display board.  And that is coming along nicely! Shouldn't be a problem.Next Saturday the store is holding the last event, a game where you bring what you have done. Sure it's only a...

8th edition is nigh! Much wailing and gnashing of teeth!

The official announcement today, that 8th edition will soon be upon us. most important tidbit is this:"The rules in our current range of...

The Inner Circle – Company Master

Chugging along quite nicely now.  Still basically following the GW painting videos, except I hate screamer pink and went Xerxes purple instead.  Added a touch of pink in the final highlight of the cloak.Now I'm working on the Deathwing. The Tacticals have...